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Hip Hing awarded 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo

Hip Hing has been awarded the "15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo" by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service this year. This is the fifteenth consecutive year that Hip Hing is honored with the Logo since the launch of the Caring Company Scheme in 2002. The recognition ceremony was held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 10 March 2017.

Hip Hing has been making efforts to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities in many ways. In the year of 2015/16, over 840 participants from the Hip Hing-Vibro Volunteer Team spent a total of 3257.5 hours on voluntary service. As an advocate of environmental protection, Hip Hing strives to minimize energy consumption and reduce waste by adopting eco-friendly practices in its operations. For employee care, Hip Hing has enhanced staff medical benefits by providing free influenza vaccination to staff members; offering health check to employees aged 50 or above and has been organizing staff health talks since 2016.

Hip Hing Construction receives 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo from HKCSS
