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Being one of the leading construction companies in Hong Kong, we take our responsibility to protect the environment and preserve the earth's limited resources for future generations very seriously. To that end, we have implemented comprehensive Environmental and Energy Management Systems which establish the policy, directives and goals of the Company.

Some of our many environmental initiatives include continually expanding the number of green professionals (i.e. BEAM Pro, LEED AP/GA) we employ, reducing our carbon footprint through energy conservation and waste recycling and promoting the use of low-carbon products and practices. We also adopt a green procurement approach with our supply chain. In addition, we strive to make our business ever more sustainable through transparent measurement and reporting of environmental metrics.

Environmental Performance 2023

CO2 reduced by using B5 biodiesel on plants

46,685,816 L

of B5 bio-diesel used in construction site equipment since 2013

C&D waste segregated for reuse in other construction projects or reclamation


of Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste segregated for reuse in other construction projects or reclamation

construction & demolition waste

Reduced 24%

of non-inert C&D waste while compared with previous year

fuel comsumption

Reduced 22.1%

of fuel consumption intensity

paper consumption

Reduced 15%

of Head Office paper consumption compare to previous year

carbon consumption

Reduced 23.5%

of carbon emissions intensity

certified under BEAM Plus or LEED

6,447,073 m2

Construction Floor Area (CFA) of Hip Hing's completed projects certified under different Sustainable Building Assessment Scheme

water consumption

12th year in a row

to receive the IAQwi$e Certificate

electricity consumption

Reduced 22%

of energy intensity

Figures are compared with baseline year of FY2013 other than specified

Since 2011

Use timber from sustainable sources for all the temporary works in construction

Since 2013

Use of B5 bio-diesel in our construction equipment