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Hip Hing Apprentice named Outstanding Apprentice

Ms Ginny Kong, Apprentice (Foreman) of Hip Hing, was named "Outstanding Apprentice" in the Vocational Training Council's 2017 Outstanding Apprentice Award Scheme on 22 March. She was shortlisted for the award because of for her excellent performance and attitude towards learning.

Ginny was nominated by Mr HL Hung, Site Agent of Hip Hing, to participate in the Outstanding Apprentice Award Scheme and passed two rounds of interviews successfully. She also joined an exchange tour to Singapore with other awardees in March to learn more about the advanced facilities and apprenticeship training system in the country.

This award has given Ginny great encouragement and also driven her to continue pursuing career growth in the construction industry. To better equip herself for future challenges, she is now studying a Higher Diploma in Construction Studies at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education and plans to obtain a bachelor's degree afterwards.

Ms Ginny Kong (right) is one of the Outstanding Apprentice winners
