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Hip Hing recognised as "Caring Company"

Hip Hing is strongly committed to corporate social responsibility and is honoured to receive the Caring Company Logo from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service again. This is the sixteenth consecutive year that Hip Hing Construction has been awarded the Logo. The recognition ceremony was held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 16 March.

Hip Hing has satisfied various criteria in the three assessment categories of the Caring Company Scheme. As regards caring for the community, the corporate volunteer team spent a total of 4,231 hours on voluntary service with over 900 numbers of volunteers participating in 19 activities in 2017. For employees caring, the compay have implemented different welfare and staff care measures and created a healthy and safe working environment for staff. In addition, Hip Hing strives to protect the environment by developing and introducing innovative technology with the aim to minimise the environmental impacts of construction.

Hip Hing Construction has been awarded the Caring Company Logo for 16 consercutives years
