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Hip Hing-Vibro’s voluntary project recognised for Best Corporate Volunteer Service Project

Hip Hing and Vibro have been awarded a certificate of recognition in the general corporate category of the 2016-18 Best Corporate Volunteer Service Project Competition, organised by the Social Welfare Department. This is an encouraging recognition for the Hip Hing-Vibro Volunteer Team's efforts and their contribution on the "Safety Living with Care Project". The project is jointly organised with the Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA).

Hip Hing-Vibro Volunteer Team has been partnering with the YWCA over the past ten years. Since the launch of the "Safety Living with Care Project" in 2017, over 280 volunteers have participated in the project, providing assistance and care to the elderly residing in Sai Wan Ho. The Volunteer Team successfully conducted home visits and arranged different outing activities to improve the quality of life of older adults.

