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Located at 9 Justice Drive, Admiralty, the 65,000-squarefoot Asia Society Hong Kong Center was originally a British Army Explosives Magazine Compound built between 1850 and 1910. The ammunitions complex was abandoned in the 1980s, but was given a new lease of life with its revitalisation as the Asia Society Hong Kong Center, which opened in February 2012. The project involved the conservation, rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse of three Grade 1 historic buildings and one post-war building. Magazine A built in 1868 has been transformed into the Asia Society Gallery, a modern exhibition space of international museum standard. Magazine B built between 1905 and 1907 is now an outstanding film and performance theatre with 100 seats. The Old Laboratory which dates from the 1860s houses the administrative offices and meeting rooms for the Center. The project also comprised the construction of a 2-storey new building consisting of reception, visitors center, multi-purpose area, a L-shaped connection footbridge, a pedestrian walkway with contemplative garden, as well as all associated site formation, excavation, lateral support works, external and landscaping works.
2014 - Quality Building Award - Certificate of Finalist (Hong Kong Building (Renovation / Revitalization) Category)