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Hip Hing Builders awarded Two “Class of Excellence” Wastewi$e Labels

Hip Hing Builders Co. Ltd.’s projects at Chun Fai Terrace and Belcher’s Street both successfully achieved a number of environmental goals last year and were honored with the award of the Wastewi$e Labels under the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE) Scheme for their exemplary commitment in implementing environmental initiatives.

Environmental goals at the two construction sites included minimising construction waste, reuse of old furniture and office equipment from other site offices, reducing paper consumption, using reusable metal hoarding and scaffolding to replace timber hoarding and bamboo scaffolding. The sites also carried out a series of other recycling measures, such as recycling waste paper, toner/ ink-jet cartridges, steel bars and safety helmets.

HKAEE jointly organized by the Environmental Campaign Committee and 10 associated organisations aims to recognise businesses and organisations that adopt green management practices and contribute to protecting the environment.

Certificate of HKAEE Wastewi$e Label (Class of Excellence) - the construction of 9-12 Chun Fai Terrace, Tai Hang

Certificate of HKAEE Wastewi$e Label (Class of Excellence) - the construction of No.42-44 Belcher's Street, Kennedy Town