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Hip Hing Construction granted the “Caring Company” logo for 7 consecutive years

Hip Hing Construction has obtained the Caring Company Logo for seven years in a row, therefore winning the 5 Years Plus Caring Company Logo in these years in recognition of its outstanding and continuous performance in carrying out CSR.

Business development and social commitment are equally important for a successful enterprise. Hip Hing Group has long been organizing and sponsoring over the past years, showing its strong commitment and care for our society.

The Caring Company campaign encourages businesses, the public and social welfare organizations to work together to make Hong Kong a more caring community. The organizers introduced a five-year Plus logo this year for companies that met at least three of the six caring company criteria (volunteering, being employee friendly, employing the vulnerable, caring for the environment, mentoring and giving) between 2002/03 and 2007/08. Gaining the recognition from the organizer and the general public with its continuous effort, Hip Hing Group scored high marks in all six criteria and was granted the 5-year Plus logo.

Hip Hing Construction and other NWS affiliates have established a massive volunteer team called “NWS Volunteer Alliance” which has drawn lots of support from its staff.

In fact, a company can create a win-win situation thought community engagement. Supporting and sponsoring charitable events help Hip Hing Construction to establish a positive corporate image. By participating in community activities, staffs will develop a sense of belonging to the company and these activities also help boosting their morale, thus improving their working efficiency.

Hip Hing Construction has been awarded the Caring Company logo seven years in a row