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Located at Wu Kai Sha, Ma On Shan, Double Cove is a large-scale residential development characterised by its sustainable designs. Hip Hing Construction completed the construction of Phase 2 (Block 18 - 19) and Phase 3 (Block 16 - 17) in the first quarter of 2016. The project scope included the construction of the 30-storey Block 16, the 32-storey Block 17 and 18, and the 34-storey Block 19. In addition, two link bridges from the existing podium to towers 13 – 16 were constructed. The external works, soft and hard landscaping, retaining walls, underground utility installations and all associated fitting out and E&M works were also carried out by Hip Hing.
The project was accredited with the HK-BEAM Eco Building Platinum Standard.